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'Sustainability' is a phrase commonly used in the environmental movement and in economics. The energy transition from fossil fuels that necessary to avoid climate catastrophe, faces challenges in both realms. Ensuring that a stable climate is guaranteed for the future and that also provides good paying jobs and low cost electricity, in addition to cleaner air and water is a challenge that must be overcome. It requires the levers of policy, and advocacy alongside growing public sentiment around climate action. It requires looking beyond the GDP, to evaluating the health of society. 

Sustainable Energy Economy Solutions (SEES) is a consulting agency started by an Andy Kowalczyk, a climate activist, turned clean energy advocate that has been engaged in utility regulation, wholesale electricity markets and the promotion of a just transition for fossil fuel workers in the South for many years. 

The mission of SEES is to interconnect organizations with solutions to further clean energy goals that also create public benefits.  

About: Welcome
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